Electrical hoists provide dependable service when it comes to food processing, plating operations, inverted usage, and steel mills. They are considered as 'powered-lifting assistants'. Electrical hoists, like any other hoists, should not be neglected. No amount of safety programs and safe hoist practices will succeed, accidents may and can happen.
The very main purpose of an electrical hoist inspection is to provide safety. You can make use of the following procedures before using them:
- Wipe the electrical hoist clean of any debris and grease. You can use a degreaser if necessary.
- Inspect the unit components, you can do it through a close visual method to see if there are wear or stress fractures
- Extend and inspect the cable or chain at its maximum length. If there are wears, don't use it until it is repaired.
- Check the ratchet mechanism, visually inspect for any wear. Again, if there are wears, don't use it or try to operate it.
- The load-rating tag should be readable. The load that you're supposed to lift should not exceed the 'load rating' tag weight.
- Lubricate as necessary as possible after visual inspection, before the next operation.
- The manufacturer's manual is a helpful tool for proper maintenance operation.
- Always inspect the electrical hoist before using it.
Hoists are usually placed overhead, attached to the ceiling. Know the function of an unit before using it. There are two types of powered hoists. The first one is the portable battery-operated hoist, these are lightweight and can be easily detached or moved to work on different tracks. The next one is a hoist permanently attached to the ceiling that is powered by a lifting mechanism and operation can be done continuously. This type can't be moved and it doesn't require dismantling every now and then.
The main power-supply comes from the main electrical supply. A backup battery supply is also an option in case rhe hoist fails to operate. Different hoists, like the electrical hoist have different lifting capacity or capability. They also has its own safety aspects. The construction and manufacturing industry should see to it that a daily, frequent, and a periodic inspection of the hoist equipment is conducted.
Daily inspections should be left to the operator before starting his shift. The daily inspection should include checking the electrical hoist's chain for twists, wears, excessive dirt, proper lubrication, and broken links. The hooks should be checked if there are deformations, damage, cracks, and properly-operating latches.
A qualified, trained and experienced person should do the frequent inspections. Frequent inspections are based on the type of service. If the unit is being used on a normal service, a once a month inspection would suffice. For heavy use and service of the electrical hoists, a weekly to monthly inspection can be required. For the severe use of service, daily to weekly inspection is best.
The electrical hoists should be checked more thoroughly compared to the normal daily checking of the operator. Frequent inspections are usually based on the manufacturer's recommendation.
Qualified inspectors should do the periodic inspections. This requires a more thorough inspection compared to a frequent inspection. Disassembly is not necessarily required, not unless it indicates a breakdown. If the electrical hoist is disassembled, load testing should be required before it can actually be used for operation.
Providing room for inspections has its rewards. Inspection and safety go together well.